I spend all my spare cash on things for my girls, i desperately need to get myself some new clothes. Its getting embarrassing now. The trouble is my boobs, find something that fits them and its baggy all over elsewhere, or the opposite then my boobs bulge out! Grr...
Also everything has to be accessible in some way to feed Séraphine.
Well i have a good excuse as i am soon to be a god-mumma, definitely need a new outfit for that surely?
And a new bra, that actually fits these massive udders!

(my nipples don't look like this though! hahaha)
50 shades of grey (when i say reading i mean stealing the odd glimpse when i get two seconds)
Lets face it, who hasn't been reading it? So far I'm up to the beginning of chapter 3.
Its written very well, compelling you to read on. But with this handful that's nearly impossible!
There's talk of it being turned into a film, who would you cast? For me Ana (Anastasia) would have to be Anne Hathaway, however I'm unsure she could get away with playing a 21yr old student?
I'm un-decided who would be Mr Grey (Christian to you or i), but he'd need to be totally sexy, charming and look awesome in a grey suit. Yummy.
After this book there are two more volumes, thinking i need to purchase...
So far I've made a pair of booties and a rabbit from an old damaged fleece sleep suit, a sock panda, a cushion for a friends birthday present and two sock animals for a fantastic charity that my friend runs.

Silently screaming...
Séraphine is ill for the first time, bad cold that's making her phlegmy with a nasty cough :( On top of teething and not sleeping. Lydia has been potty trained, she went from nappies to 99% dry in 3wks (including nights) Otherwise she's been getting the night terrors and being a typical terrible 2yr old!!
All of this concludes to me having only between 2-6hrs sleep each night, last night it was almost 3hrs...whoop! Yuck :( These kids are lucky they're cute.

And lastly i will be trying to get on here more.
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