
Welcome to my blog! I started my blog to let you in on a little bit of my life. My life as me, as a mumma, as a Coeliac and my product reviews.

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Show me your's and i'll show you mine....

Resolutions that is! (How dirty is your mind!?! hehehe)

So do you ever make them? If you do, do you stick by them or do they frazzle out after a few days/weeks. I have never really been one to bother with them, until now...So mine are;
  1. Re-cycle more ~ I've always been lazy in the fact that we have no recycling facility's outside/inside the flat. So I'm going to make more of an effort. I'm going to designate a small space and a strong re-usable bag and once a week walk it down to the local re-cycling point. Lydia can help me, we will use her buggy to wheel it down there! hahaha
  2. Tidy up more ~ i find it so easy to just leave something that needs doing as i know Lydia will just make it a mess again in under 5mins! I think i need a schedule to stick by.
  3. Be nicer to others ~ its so easy to get wound up by silly little things in life, with a teething/tantrum throwing and sleepless baby, it doesn't help! I need to take more ''moments of calm'' and think before i snap!!!
  4. Get out more ~ Not necessarily to drink etc... Just to get more time by myself,with friends & Justin. Since Lydia's birth the longest away from her (i think) has been 3hrs!!! 3hrs peace in 11months is NOT much!
  5. Stop thinking so much ~ i seem to think about everything far to much. Hence my lack of sleep and snappy tendency's. Maybe i should go to bed earlier also? But there's so much to do in a day and i need my ''wind down time'' at the end of the day.
  6. Remember to write things down ~ Since Lydia my brain has gone to pot! Justin got me a gorgeous Irregular choice notebook/diary for my birthday, so now i have no excuse!
  7. Stay positive ~ its so easy to get little things niggle away at me (hence no:3) i need to let the little things,and people pass.

So seven is all i have, for now! What have you got? Please share :)


  1. Ohhh I'll show you mine in my first post of 2011! Fab to share and keep tabs on each others success :)

  2. Our first date night is set for our 2nd wedding anniversary on 31st January

    Working on the second and third one :)


Let me know what you think....