Our journey began on the 21st January 2010, birth day!
Here's my breastfeeding-magazine article about the start of it all.
I've had mastitis, nipple thrush, Lydia on food strikes (accepting nothing but milk), self doubts, nipple eczema and been so run-down that i doubted my self and my supply.
I titled the post men & boob's as I'd like to thank Justin for being so great :) I doubt i would've been able continue at certain points without his encouragement and support.
Most people give up within the first few weeks or by 6mths. I think you need a good support team of friends, family, partner to have the confidence to continue.
I was worried what people will think of me, if my boob was showing to much, if was going to get nasty comments or looks. I think it was when we reached 6mths that i realised Lydia was no way near ready to wean, and she's still a baby. Nothing has changed since then, apart from now she says ''mum-nums'' when she wants her milk :)
The W.H.O (world health organisation) recommend a minimum of 2yrs. I really can't say how far we will make it, as we've gone from 0-11mths within the blink of an eye!
As you can see, he is happy for us to continue, and he continues to offer his support and encouragement. A few of my friends are still nursing their baby's of the same age, some a little older. This really helps to spur me on as i never thought i would make it this far already! :)
I need some answers to give to people when they ask the dreaded question's....''So,when are you weaning her?'' , ''Why don't you just give her a bottle?'' etc.... Lydia never has accepted a bottle or dummy, and she is to old to start introducing a bottle now!?! Silly people.
I really feel like i shouldn't have to explain my parenting choice's to anyone and everyone. At the moment i have to keep justifying myself to others. I think my new years resolution relating to breastfeeding should be to respond with ''We'll wean when she's ready''.
Or maybe i should just moo???
Mumma's milk has all the vitamins and nutrients that she'd get from cow's milk, but it free!!!!!!!!!
Another great blog i follow The Leaky Boob, daddy's love milk! Lol ;p xx